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Getting the best (value) out of your agency

04 November, 2022 Reading: 2:00 mins
Sarah Reakes

By Sarah

Getting the best (value) out of your agency

As I write this uncertainty is high, time is tight and every penny in the budget is being scrutinised. We’re here to help so I’ll keep it short and get straight to the point: here’s what 30 years in marketing, much of it client-side, have taught me about how to really get the best (value) out of your agency in a way that works for everyone and delivers on your KPIs.

  1. Commit to being partners. We work best as a true extension of your team, as peers and allies. Closeness means we really get to understand your business and its context, and build mutual trust. The more straightforward the relationship the easier everything becomes. After all, we ultimately have the same goal: to produce campaigns that work, that drive your business growth.

  2. Partnership delivers open and honest communication, which is essential. Your business can benefit hugely from having an intelligent observer who works with you, listens, then says it like it is. We need to feel respected and secure enough to be 100% honest with you, even when we think you won’t like it.

  3. Clear goals: what are your objectives and KPIs, why are these targets, what’s the wider context?

  4. Let’s have a bit of fun now and then: it builds relationships, and some great ideas may come from being together in a different environment.

  5. Mutual respect. You are probably world-beating in what you do, but you’re paying us to bring in specific expertise you don’t have enough of, so mutual respect will benefit everyone. You are buying in decades of relevant marketing experience and some well-honed, proven tools that have delivered for a dozen other businesses, so some respect is due to both the practitioners and the methods.

One key element here is the right chemistry between the key players on both sides: work to make that great because it underpins everything else. And if it’s really not there, it could be time for a change.

You’ve probably fought hard for your marketing budget, so make sure it delivers for you with a great agency partnership. Get in touch if you think we could be the right partner for you or take a look at our services.

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