Insights from our experts

Dive into our opinions and thoughts - from things we're fascinated by, to things we wish everyone knew.

Latest Reading: 3:22 mins
28 June, 2024

AI: thoughts on the current state of play

At the PROI Worldwide Global Summit in Rio last month, AI was mentioned in every session.

27 June, 2024

More than words – unexpected lessons from my ‘soft’ English Literature degree

Here are the five things my so-called ‘soft’, ‘worthless’, degree taught me – beyond just ‘reading and writing well’

26 June, 2024

AI in pharma and life sciences: myths, fears, and opportunities

KISS hosted life sciences network Conexen for an event outlining the opportunities and myths AI has brought.

13 May, 2024

Scaling success: marketing tactics for complex products

As you scale up any business there are huge challenges, especially when your offer is very complex or new.

10 May, 2024

Creativity unleashed – finding that creative spark in everyone

The notion that creativity can be taught or that you can be "bad" at it is utterly flawed.

09 May, 2024

Five key insights from brightonSEO

This year’s brightonSEO conference was a fantastic, full-on, informative, fun and well-organised event.

06 May, 2024

Mastering the mindset: ditching imposter syndrome

I was the only female as one of four trainees, and I was always the one asked to make the drinks, do the photocopying...

26 March, 2024

Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination discuss their partnership with KISS

The perfect partnership between creative agency and arts and wellbeing charity

26 March, 2024

The SEO diaries: part 2 – content is king, but strategy is kingmaker

It’s an outdated and backwards notion in 2024 to think that the old adage ‘build it and they will come’ still applies.

25 March, 2024

'When women gain, everyone gains'

Hosting our International Women's Day panel

13 February, 2024

The multiplier agency

Over the last few years our capabilities have radically shifted and transformed, so it was time to bring this to life.

12 February, 2024

Rowing and work – more to it than meets the eye

Rowing has taught me more than I can say.