Our Favourite Christmas Ad!
09 December, 2015 Reading: 1:27 min
Check out a few of our favourite Christmas ads, do you agree?

We sent the following adverts around the office to see which one the KISS team preferred…
There were a few tears when the John Lewis advert finally came out, but surprisingly it hasn't won this year.
In pole position we have Mog! Sainsbury’s beloved accident-prone cat…
Our Account Director, Anthea Hughes said, “The Mog advert reminds me of a mini version of The Snowman. It’s not just an advert, it’s something you will share in years to come.” Which is true: it’s a fun, engaging story that doesn’t feel like an advert until the very end, when it’s revealed as a Sainsbury’s Christmas ad supporting Child Literacy with Save the Children.
In second place we have the surprising Mulberry advert…
The last time a group of people re-enacted the nativity scene, it got rather a bad reaction around the world, and the baby was called Brian. Although this advert might be a little close to the bone for some people, we like the different direction that the company has taken. Furthermore, with the “Guys, it’s just a bag” line, we believe Mulberry manage to make light of its involvement in the more materialistic side of Christmas.
In third position it has to be John Lewis…
The John Lewis advert is something the public look forward to, not only because it means Christmas is around the corner, but also the sheer scale of production captivates an audience. This year the advert got a mixed reaction, but the inclusion of Age UK strengthened its story, and we're sure it will still be replayed on YouTube just as much as its predecessors.