Insights from our experts

Dive into our opinions and thoughts - from things we're fascinated by, to things we wish everyone knew.

Latest Reading: 3:49 mins
06 January, 2020

Young, black, working class and female – and not in that order!

Society has so many misconceptions surrounding different demographics, and as a young, black, working-class female I …

23 December, 2019

Christmas ads 2019: A KISS review

With the BIG day in just two days, the KISS team gathered around the TV, fought for a spot on the sofa and popped open …

20 December, 2019

Are we measuring the right things?

As leaders and company owners we spend quite a lot of time measuring things like gross revenues, margins and operating …

18 December, 2019

Most Contagious 2019: Sustainable global consumption

At my recent visit to Most Contagious 2019 , I wasn’t expecting global consumption to be the emerging trend of the day, …

16 December, 2019

Three little words

Get Brexit Done

13 December, 2019

Brand ambassadors – a dose of authenticity

As I contemplate today’s results, one number stood out to me during the UK election campaign : voter registrations …

10 December, 2019

I bought a Tesla Cybertruck

What? You paid crazy money for a Lego brick on wheels that clearly isn’t fit for purpose when its shatterproof glass …

04 December, 2019

How to make influencer marketing work for your life science organisation

KISS is collaborating with One Nucleus , the not-for-profit Life Sciences & Healthcare membership organisation, to …

28 November, 2019

Crystal ball gazing and car crash interviews!

Nobody can have escaped the recent controversial, toe curling interviews we’ve witnessed lately – Prince Andrew, Jeremy …

26 November, 2019

Irrational thinking and behavioural science

I recently attended a talk by the brilliant Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of global marketing agency Ogilvy. He …

21 November, 2019

A sense of purpose

I’m sure I can’t be the only person who feels the need for some clarity and direction in my life right now. It feels as …

19 November, 2019

APG Noisy Thinking – is it possible to plan long-term anymore?

Last week, strategists of all persuasions assembled at Google HQ’s to attend the Account Planning Group's (APG) latest …